All things Data Collection with Adobe Experience Platform

Adobe Experience Platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services that enable efficient data collection across various digital touchpoints, including web, mobile, and over-the-top (OTT) applications. In this blog post, we will delve into the powerful data collection capabilities of Adobe Experience Platform

All things Data Collection with Adobe Experience Platform

In this blog post, we will delve into the data collection with Adobe Experience Platform and explore their capabilities to gather experience event across Web, Mobile and OTT Applications

Data Collection with Adobe Experience Platform

Adobe Experience Platform offers a comprehensive set of technologies enabling the collection of customer experience (event) data from Web, Mobile & OTT applications for distribution to both Adobe and non-Adobe destinations

Data collection with Adobe Experience Platform
Data Collection with Adobe Experience Platform

Evolving document

This post would continuously evolve with latest content (explainer, deep dive etc..) and updates are new features and capabilities become available.

Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK

Adobe Experience Platform provides robust data collection capabilities for web applications, allowing businesses to capture valuable customer interactions and behaviors.

The Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK is a JavaScript library that enables Adobe Experience Cloud customers to connect with various services through the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network.

Along with the JavaScript library, the platform also provides a tag extension to assist with Web SDK configurations, streamlining the integration process.

By leveraging Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK, you can effortlessly collect and consolidate data from your websites.

Adobe Docs -> Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK

AEP Web SDK topics coming up next..
  • Current and New method to implement Adobe Experience Cloud products
  • Data Layer and Web SDK
  • Web SDK for Single Page Apps
  • Solution Design for Web SDK Implementation
  • Migrating from App Measurement to Web SDK
  • Implement Adobe Analytics with AEP Web SDK
  • Implement Adobe Target with AEP Web SDK
  • Implement Adobe Audience Manager with AEP Web SDK

Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK

The Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK empowers your mobile apps by integrating Adobe’s Experience Cloud solutions and services seamlessly.

Comprising of the Mobile Core and a collection of modular Adobe Experience Cloud solutions or third-party vendor extensions, the SDK delivers solution-specific features by leveraging the Mobile Core’s capabilities.

Experience Platform Mobile SDKs are accessible for Android, iOS, and multiple cross-platform development frameworks.

The SDK configuration process is managed through the Data Collection UI, enabling flexible customisation and extensible, rules-based integrations.

Adobe Docs -> Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK

Adobe Experience Platform Server to Server API

The Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network offers a streamlined and optimised approach for customers to engage with Adobe Experience Cloud and Adobe Experience Platform Edge services efficiently.

With the Edge Network Server API, a wide range of data collection, personalisation, advertising, and marketing use cases can be fulfilled. This API is compatible with servers, IoT devices, set-top boxes, and various other devices, making it versatile and adaptable.

One notable advantage of the Server API is its ability to operate independently without the need for additional libraries, enabling lightning-fast interactions with the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network and its supported solutions.

The Server API architecture brings several benefits, including

  • reduced page load time,
  • improved latency,
  • first-party data collection, and
  • streamlined server-side communication between services.

Adobe Docs -> Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK

In conclusion, Adobe Experience Platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools and technologies for effective data collection across various channels.

Whether it’s through the Web SDK, Mobile SDK, or Server-to-Server API, businesses can capture valuable customer interactions and behaviours, enabling personalised experiences and informed decision-making.

To stay ahead in the digital landscape, it’s essential to leverage the power of data collection with Adobe Experience Platform.

Posted by Anil


  1. I came across your blog and am impressed by your knowledge and expertise in adobe analytics. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the web SDK extension and how to send the customised events or simple events to analytics reports.

    I’m new to AEP web sdk extension. Till now, I’ve been using adobe analytics extension in launch to set variables, send beacon and clear variables.

    Now, I want to migrate to using AEP web sdk extension. I’ve followed the adobe tutorial to create xdm schema, datastream, installed web sdk extension and then used it to send Event and then tested the data in debugger. The xdm schema has evars, props, hierarchies and lists.

    In order to send simple events like pageview and link click or complex events triggered on conditions, and product string, as of now, I’ve been setting them in the custom code ‘open editor’ option in the ‘set variables’ action using the adobe analytics extension or in set variables UI. When migrating to web sdk extension, how to proceed for this? What steps to follow?

    Thanks for your time! Keep up the great work 🙂

    • Hello and thank you for stopping by!
      You have given me topic for my next detailed post, hopefully soon. Right so until then here’s some things for you to consider as next steps

      It’s great that you got the basic set up and events trigger sorted, there are couple of ways you could approach this.
      1.) Make a list of all custom code and variables you set today, make this your audit or tracking sheet.
      2.) In an excel map these variables to schema attributes you will end up using ( design schema based on this as well) and finally convert custom codes to event trigger
      3.) Also keep a note of all the variables that work using adobe analytics plugins, this may require additional work or some of them may not be compatible or work based on how AA is implemented

      Hope that helps!

  2. Adding on, the website tracks many user-actions and there are many rules (around 200+) and data elements (same; around 200+). And each of them has multiple events in it, for example page views, link clicks, system-error, item view, add to cart, remove, video play/pause, and so on! Even the product string is set in the custom code instead of using the product string builder extension. So, I’d say it’s pretty complex in the first place.

    Is there a better way to configure and track user behaviour in adobe launch? Currently, the adobe analytics extension lets me set variables, send beacons and clear variables. I attended an adobe seminar where they highlighted AA via AEP web sdk.
    previously, with data layer implementation, we just had to create a rule based on the event or direct call, then set up action (variables, send beacon, clear variables). And for setting the variables, creating javascript or custom code data elements.
    Now with web sdk extension, we need to create xdm schema, then xdm object data element and mapping evars, props in that xdm object also requires mapping to existing data elements. and with multiple events like page views, element clicks, link click, lightbox events, error etc
    how to go ahead and create rules in launch using web sdk extension?
    How to send event data to the report suite?
    For example, if the event needs to be serialised, then the event id and value, how to store and send data?
    if there’s a product string, how to send info to the report suite?
    If its a simple page view or link click, i’m not understanding the maping in xdm object. Creating xdm schema with custom dimension, evars, props is completed, but understanding the events is complex iwith web sdk extension.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

    • Well that’s quite a bit to answer in comments, hopefully i get to detailed post soon. Until then hope this helps.
      To begin with refer to my previous comment, make a list of variable or even better have AA Solution Design document updated and handy.
      Create a migration guide before designing schema
      On the implementation side, create a implementation audit for launch and how rules are set up and how they map to SDD
      Finally the migration guide should give you a estimate of how much can be moved over with web SDK.

      Feel free to addon if you have additional questions, i will try to answer that in detailed post

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