Top 5 Must Watch Adobe Analytics Sessions: Quick Summary

In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of the top must-watch sessions from Adobe Summit 2023 across Adobe Experience Cloud & Adobe Experience Platform

Top 5 must watch adobe analytics sessions

I recently wrote about the Must watch session from recently Adobe Summit 2023, In this post we cover the top 5 sessions for Adobe analytics users and list some key takeaways.

If you head to the Adobe Summit 2023 On demand page, there are quite a few sessions tagged as Adobe analytics. I picked top 5 which from the list and included some quick summary/takeaways from these sessions.

I have a longer version as a podcast where i ramble more about some of these sessions, checkout the links to them at the end of this post.

Here goes the list with link to Summit sessions

  1. 2023 Adobe Analytics Rockstar Top Tips and Tricks
  2. Inspire Action: Experiment Results in Analysis Workspace
  3. Skill Exchange: Empower Your Team with Data Democratization
  4. Intro to CTA from the Lens of an Adobe Analytics Veteran
  5. Flex Your Data Muscles: How to Rewrite History on the Fly with CTA

2023 Adobe Analytics Rockstar Top Tips and Tricks

This session includes innovative practices and strategies for data analysis to optimize business results and mostly presented by customer and/or partners. The session had three presenters who presented two ideas each. Here is a summary of tips and tricks presented

  • Victoria Stapleton
    • Activity map destination and reports around that.
    • Visit Scoring —> Calculated metrics
  • Tomasz Piekutowski
    • Analytics data discrepancies (between aa and D/W tool) how to minimize diff
    • Sale period vs travel period – Aviation industry
  • Jennifer Dungan
    • Improved new/return visitor segments
    • Smarter Alerts

Inspire Action: Experiment Results in Analysis Workspace

This session was presented by Valerie Crawl and Julia Hoyer from Search Discovery. They demonstrated how to use analysis workspace to showcase and communicate the results of your tests effectively. They provided step-by-step instructions on how to build your reusable template for experiments.

Skill Exchange: Empower Your Team with Data Democratization

This session was hosted by Adobe and presented by Daniel Long, Director – Data Operations at the National Football League.

The session focused on how to democratize data by educating end-users, customers, and stakeholders on how data is designed.

  • How to Approach documentation of your analytics
  • What level of documentation is right for diverse groups of employees
  • Achieving universal understanding of data through understanding the origin
  • Learn the importance of integrating your analytics blueprint with product design
  • set the foundation of your teams to make data driven decisions.

Intro to CJA from the Lens of an Adobe Analytics Veteran

This session was presented by an Adobe Analytics veteran Derek Tangren, the session covered the basics of CJA and how Adobe analytics differs from CJA from perspective of those who have working knowledge of Adobe Analytics

He goes on to explain in three different aspects or categories

  • how is data structured and organised
  • how dat is collected and processed
  • 8 different use cases of application of CJA

Flex Your Data Muscles: How to Rewrite History on the Fly with CTA.

This session was presented by Nils Engel, Expert Solution Consultant at Adobe and focused on how to use CJA to rewrite history on the fly & Improving reporting and analysis by shifting where data manipulation occurs!.

Key CJA feature takeaways

  • Use advanced functions to manipulate field value
  • merge multiple fields together or replace values
  • Get past implement and data issues and new analysis goals
  • Moving data processing to report time significantly reduces effort
  • Changing data and analysis needs can be handle in stride
  • Speed to insights answer questions faster.

My 2 cents

My thoughts on all things Adobe Analytics

  • Some great sessions which act as Good Primer to understand “under the hood” of CJA
  • Creating more dimensions and metrics and unlimited options is double edged sword, should not be primary reason to switch
  • Adobe analytics not going anywhere anytime soon
  • A clear focus on more features being developed for CJA with so much focus on AEP and it’s CDP capabilities
  • Gap between “Can CJA do everything AA does” reducing with new feature being released

Posted by Anil

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